Fat Cat Ralph’s Purple Hearts Social Club Membership Agreement
General Terms
1. Membership in the club is granted after application is submitted and approved. Applications are provided to individuals who are at least 21 years of age, either by invitation or after enquiry, and require the sponsorship by at least one current member in good standing or an officer of Fat Cat Enterprises Inc.
2. Upon approval of application, the member will be permitted access to the PRIVATE club area during posted hours of operation to socialize with other members and/or to participate in any activities available to members at that time.
3. Members will be granted online access to the members only area of www.FatCatRalph.com to view, register and pay for upcoming events or activities and to view any other private information available only to club members.
4. Membership dues will be collected on the anniversary date of membership for Annual members and on the 1st of each month for Monthly members. Members must provide a credit/debit card to be maintained on file and used for automatic payments. If payment is declined/returned, membership will be suspended until dues are paid and the member may be assessed an NSF Fee of $25.00.
5. Members are permitted to bring guests to the club. The guest (or member) must pay the currently listed “Guest Fee”. Any individual may only be a guest one time and must apply for membership status in order to return to the club at any future date.
6. Violation of any of the below listed restrictions will be sufficient grounds for denial of entry, removal from club room(s), suspension and/or expulsion from the club.
Member will not:
a. Share their log-in information with non-members
b. Reproduce or share on-line, without permission, any documents or items relating to club membership or activities
c. Post, print or propagate any inappropriate or derogatory materials or commentary about the club or any of its members or officers.
d. Behave in an aggressive, intimidating, demeaning or offensive manner towards any members, staff, or guests.
e. Behave in any manner that is deemed disruptive to the club environment or to the activities occurring within the club
f. Bring ANY weapons of ANY sort onto the premises of the club
g. Refuse to be scanned by electronic wand an/or refuse to reveal any items detected by such wand
7. Suspended members are still liable for and must continue to pay their dues during period of suspension.
8. Expelled members will not be refunded any remaining portions of their dues that have been paid.
9. Rules Committee: Will have 1 to 5 members who will discuss and vote on ideas and proposals for new rules or changes to existing rules relating to membership and/or activities offered by the club.
10. Disciplinary Committee: Will have 1 to 5 members. Should a member wish to appeal a suspension or expulsion then the committee will convene with the member and allow the member to offer a defense and/or evidence. The committee will then discuss the matter and render its decision regarding the matter brought before the committee.
11. Membership Committee: Will have 1 to 3 members and will discuss and decide upon whether or not to approve an application for membership.
12. Any member is good standing can request to serve a one-year term as a member of any committee. If an overage of members wish to serve on a committee, the officers of Fat Cat Enterprises will select committee members.
13. Cessation of membership can be done by:
a. Resignation (in writing)
b. Upon death
c. Expulsion
d. Non-payment of dues
By signing below, the member confirms that they have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.